Discussion Guides

Jon Pepper Books / Discussion Guide No. 5: Mission and Purpose

Crowe Power executives gather for a leadership offsite to discuss the company’s mission and purpose, as many companies do. Is it surprising that a company that’s been in business for more than a century needs to figure out its purpose and mission?


  • Companies need to recalibrate from time to time to consider ways in which the world has changed.
  • What worked a hundred years ago doesn’t necessarily work today.



  • The founding principles endure. It’s just the strategy that changes.
  • Such exercises breed cynicism among employees because companies quickly forget the new mission and purpose or don’t integrate the ideas into their plans.


Question: When do these exercises fail?

  • When they’re not truly authentic to the company?
  • When they’re not integrated into the company’s business plan and supported with resources?
  • When they’re seen as an exercise by people at the top that is far removed from the guts of the business?
  • When they don’t include people from all parts of the company?


Question: What does it mean to be a good corporate citizen?

  • Provide good jobs, effectively serve customers, and respect communities in which you operate.
  • Using corporate resources for programs that advance social and environmental agendas.
  • Operating honestly and ethically.


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